Mladinski center Zagorje ob Savi
Organisation type: Local public authority
Areas of the organization: Active citizenship, Arts & Culture, Disadvantaged people, Education, Mobility, Non-formal learning, Rural development, Sports & Recreation, Unemployment, Volunteering, Youth & Adolescents
Interested in programmes: Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps
About organisation
Mladinski center Zagorje ob Savi (MC ZOS) is a public institution, established in the year of 2006. MC ZOS has a director, 3 employed youth workers, 1 apprentices and at least 10 active volunteers, who contribute to the development of our youth center. As we are a cover youth organisation in our municipality, we work with many NGO's, individuals and institutions from Zagorje, from Zasavje region, on national level and abroad.
Youth center MC ZOS is a public institution, established to perform extracurricural activities for youth. The center allows organisational, spatial, technical and counceling support to the young people of Zagorje, in means of executing their projects and helping them include into local and international projects.
Experienced in programmes
Youth center Zagorje (Mladinski center Zagorje) has already been cooperating in international projects since 2011. Every year, more than 30 youngsters from local environment, are sent abroad to participate in different international activities- from international youth exchanges, training courses to short or long term volunteer projects.
We have created a good network with schools and other public organizations and NGOs in our town and region. We would also like to develop some new cooperations between different organizations in Europe, we’d like to share good our practices and learn from the other partners.